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Contract Salary: $55-60/hr on w2 Work Eligibility: USC, GC, GC-EAD, TN, H4-EAD, L2-EAD, OPT-EAD, CPT
Contract Salary: $75-80 Work Eligibility: USC, GC, GC-EAD, TN, H4-EAD, L2-EAD, OPT-EAD, CPT
Contract Salary: $75-80 Work Eligibility: USC, GC, GC-EAD, TN, H4-EAD, L2-EAD, OPT-EAD, CPT
Part Time Salary: $20Work Eligibility: USC, GC, L2-EAD Other Work Eligibility: AT,CT
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